Saturday, 26 April 2014

WhatsApp for Android update adds new group mute settings

WhatsApp has released an update for Android (v2.11.230) that brings with it the highly requested group muting settings.

Anyone who has used WhatsApp groups would know how annoying some of them can get over time and there was no way to permanently mute them. The latest update, however, adds some new options that lets you mute a group beyond one week, all the way up to a century.
More importantly, WhatsApp has also added the ability to hide notifications as before, even if you muted a group, the phone would still show silent notifications. Now, if you uncheck ‘Show notifications’, the group would be totally silent.
Another change in the update is a camera icon next to the text input field in chats that lets you quickly take a photo and send to your contact, similar to Snapchat.
The update has not been pushed to the Play Store, yet, and you will have to go to the WhatsApp website (link below) to manually download and install the update.

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